Netwerk24 orders Op en Af as a second Afrikaans streaming soap; 65 webisode comedy series produced by Jester Productions and VIA will start in February 2020.

Ini adalah berita terbaru dan menarik dengan judul Netwerk24 orders Op en Af as a second Afrikaans streaming soap; 65 webisode comedy series produced by Jester Productions and VIA will start in February 2020.. Silahkan baca dan menyimak artikelnya.
Media24's Afrikaans TV channel VIA is producing a second online video streaming soap, Op en af (Up and down), for the Netwerk24 portal that will play out in daily episodes from 3 February 2020. The comedy of 65 episodes written by Leon Kruger and produced by Jester Productions of Diaan Lawrenson and Jody Abrahams, follows after Die Testament drama that marked Netwerk24's entry into Afrikaans
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang Netwerk24 orders Op en Af as a second Afrikaans streaming soap; 65 webisode comedy series produced by Jester Productions and VIA will start in February 2020. . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
Netwerk24 orders Op en Af as a second Afrikaans streaming soap; 65 webisode comedy series produced by Jester Productions and VIA will start in February 2020. Netwerk24 orders Op en Af as a second Afrikaans streaming soap; 65 webisode comedy series produced by Jester Productions and VIA will start in February 2020. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 6:22 PM Rating: 5

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