Netflix renews science-fiction drama series Sweet Tooth for an 8-episode second season.

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by Thinus FerreiraNetflix has renewed the science-fiction drama series Sweet Tooth for an 8-episode second season.The series following the hybrid part-deer, part boy Gus (Christian Convery) is based on the DC Comic book series by Jeff Lemire, who left his home in America looking for answers about his origins together with a wandering loner Jepperd (Nonso Anozie), as they're searching for answers
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang Netflix renews science-fiction drama series Sweet Tooth for an 8-episode second season. . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
Netflix renews science-fiction drama series Sweet Tooth for an 8-episode second season. Netflix renews science-fiction drama series Sweet Tooth for an 8-episode second season. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 1:24 AM Rating: 5
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