The actor, comedian and director Clive Scott (84) who was one of South Africa's first TV stars has died.

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by Thinus FerreiraThe legendary and prolific actor, comedian, director and palm-reader Clive Scott known for roles on stage, in film and on television in series like The Villagers, Isidingo and Life Begins at 40 died on Wednesday. He was 84.His daughter, Gudrun Scott Cleghorn, confirmed the death of her dad on Facebook. Clive Scott was also a lecturer and film producer and starred in a plethora
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The actor, comedian and director Clive Scott (84) who was one of South Africa's first TV stars has died. The actor, comedian and director Clive Scott (84) who was one of South Africa's first TV stars has died. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 7:24 AM Rating: 5

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