Director-actor Pieter Bosch Botha (34) dies.
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The Afrikaans actor and director Pieter Bosch Botha (34), also known as Pieter Howes, has died after taking his life in a Sandton hotel on Saturday evening, following a battle with depression. Pieter Bosch Botha was the son of the actors At Botha and Annelise Bosch and made his acting debut when he appeared in an Open Monza commercial on South African television when he was just 6 years old.
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang Director-actor Pieter Bosch Botha (34) dies. . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
The Afrikaans actor and director Pieter Bosch Botha (34), also known as Pieter Howes, has died after taking his life in a Sandton hotel on Saturday evening, following a battle with depression. Pieter Bosch Botha was the son of the actors At Botha and Annelise Bosch and made his acting debut when he appeared in an Open Monza commercial on South African television when he was just 6 years old.
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang Director-actor Pieter Bosch Botha (34) dies. . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
Director-actor Pieter Bosch Botha (34) dies.
Reviewed by Admin Blog
9:42 PM