How Sir David Attenborough used duvet covers and sheets in his dining room to bring the BBC Earth's new natural history series A Perfect Planet to life.

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by Thinus FerreiraUnless you're one of his grandchildren the closest you'll get to Sir David Attenborough in the time of Covid is through Zoom and that's what happened when the narrator and producers switched on the cameras on their computers to talk and answer some questions about their new natural history series A Perfect Planet on BBC Earth (DStv 184), starting on Sunday 14 February at 16:00.
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How Sir David Attenborough used duvet covers and sheets in his dining room to bring the BBC Earth's new natural history series A Perfect Planet to life. How Sir David Attenborough used duvet covers and sheets in his dining room to bring the BBC Earth's new natural history series A Perfect Planet to life. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 6:26 PM Rating: 5
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