Over 110 000 people sign petitions against the South African government's SABC TV Licence plan for Netflix, DStv, laptops and tablets.

Ini adalah berita terbaru dan menarik dengan judul Over 110 000 people sign petitions against the South African government's SABC TV Licence plan for Netflix, DStv, laptops and tablets.. Silahkan baca dan menyimak artikelnya.
by Thinus FerreiraOver 110 000 South Africans have so far complained about and objected to the government's "SABC stealth-tax" plan through which it wants to force consumers with laptops, tablets, DStv and StarSat decoders, as well as subscribers watching Netflix and Showmax to pay for a SABC TV Licence even if they're not watching any SABC content.Today is the deadline for South Africans to
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Over 110 000 people sign petitions against the South African government's SABC TV Licence plan for Netflix, DStv, laptops and tablets. Over 110 000 people sign petitions against the South African government's SABC TV Licence plan for Netflix, DStv, laptops and tablets. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 7:26 PM Rating: 5
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