Ghanaian military officer to receive prestigious award in UK

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A Ghanaian military officer in the United Kingdom will on Friday be honoured for his exceptional standard during his training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS).

Officer Cadet Gershon Anerboi Abbey who is among over 160 Ghanaian Army Officers receiving training from the RMAS will be the first Ghanaian officer to receive the award.

A statement issued by the UK government on Wednesday said OCdt Abbey will be presented with the International Sword of Honour by HRH, the Duke of Cambridge, Prince William at the Sovereign’s Parade to mark the successful completion of his training.

“This award is the premier award available to international officers; it is presented to the best International Officer Cadet and OCdt Abbey, who is the latest of over 160 Ghanaian Army Officers to graduate from Sandhurst, has beaten stiff competition from officers drawn from across the world.

This is an historic achievement by a young officer who has delivered a performance that has been described as ‘superb’,” the statement said.

Describing OCdt Abbey’s achievement as “immense and historic”, the statement noted that the RMAS has moulded generals, including Ghana’s Chief of Defence Staff and Chief of Army Staff, Heads of State and captains of industry.


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Ghanaian military officer to receive prestigious award in UK Ghanaian military officer to receive prestigious award in UK Reviewed by Admin Blog on 6:54 PM Rating: 5

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