SABC future: SABC3 getting sold, SABC1 and SABC2 broken up in regional channels?
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by Thinus FerreiraIs the South African public broadcaster's SABC3 finally getting sold off with SABC1 and SABC2 broken up into several smaller provincial TV channels that have to work together and share provincial news and content as a network?That could be in the future for the technically insolvent SABC which is once again experiencing dire financial problems after the Democratic Alliance
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by Thinus FerreiraIs the South African public broadcaster's SABC3 finally getting sold off with SABC1 and SABC2 broken up into several smaller provincial TV channels that have to work together and share provincial news and content as a network?That could be in the future for the technically insolvent SABC which is once again experiencing dire financial problems after the Democratic Alliance
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SABC future: SABC3 getting sold, SABC1 and SABC2 broken up in regional channels?
Reviewed by Admin Blog
5:24 PM