National Geographic commissions Jaws at 50 documentary feature film for 2025's Sharkfest.

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by Thinus FerreiraNational Geographic (DStv DStv 181 / StarSat 220) has commissioned a Jaws at 50 feature film that will debut in 2025 for the yellow frame's Sharkfest, to mark the 50th anniversary of the Steven Spielberg blockbuster.National Geographic is working with Steven Spielberg's Amblin Documentaries and Nedland Media to create the documentary, with Laurent Bouzereau from
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National Geographic commissions Jaws at 50 documentary feature film for 2025's Sharkfest. National Geographic commissions Jaws at 50 documentary feature film for 2025's Sharkfest. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 8:24 PM Rating: 5

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