Zola Nene back as judge for 5th season of Primedia Studios and Homebrew Films' MasterChef SA on SABC3.

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by Thinus FerreiraThe culinary queen Zola Nene will be back as one of the three judges in the new season of MasterChef South Africa coming to SABC3.Primedia Studios and Homebrew Films are producing a 5th season of the Banijay format cooking competition series jumping from M-Net to SABC3, with Pick n Pay back as the season's sponsor.South Africans older than 18 have until 15 March to enter on the
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Zola Nene back as judge for 5th season of Primedia Studios and Homebrew Films' MasterChef SA on SABC3. Zola Nene back as judge for 5th season of Primedia Studios and Homebrew Films' MasterChef SA on SABC3. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 4:24 AM Rating: 5

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