SABC1 shifts Skeem Saam to 7:30pm from March to pit edgier youth drama against's Scandal!, 'something we will have to adjust to' says Peu Communications.

Ini adalah berita terbaru dan menarik dengan judul SABC1 shifts Skeem Saam to 7:30pm from March to pit edgier youth drama against's Scandal!, 'something we will have to adjust to' says Peu Communications.. Silahkan baca dan menyimak artikelnya.
by Thinus FerreiraFrom March SABC1 is shifting South African television's 4th most-watched show and the South African public broadcaster's third most-watched show to 19:30, pitting Skeem Saam up against's Scandal!, with the Peu Communications production saying the extremely aggressive timeslot "is something we will have to adjust to". In its 12th season, the long-running youth drama
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang SABC1 shifts Skeem Saam to 7:30pm from March to pit edgier youth drama against's Scandal!, 'something we will have to adjust to' says Peu Communications. . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
SABC1 shifts Skeem Saam to 7:30pm from March to pit edgier youth drama against's Scandal!, 'something we will have to adjust to' says Peu Communications. SABC1 shifts Skeem Saam to 7:30pm from March to pit edgier youth drama against's Scandal!, 'something we will have to adjust to' says Peu Communications. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 10:24 PM Rating: 5

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