Little publicised Nikiwe and Smoke & Mirrors cost and lost over 1 million viewers in April in disappointing TV ratings debut.

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by Thinus's two new local soaps Nikiwe and Smoke & Mirrors that replaced the cancelled Imbewu and Durban Gen appear to both be prime-time rating disappointments, making their debuts on Monday 17 April with weaker viewership than the shows they replaced and costing over a million in lost viewers. While Durban Gen still raked in as much as 1 967 574 viewers in April in its 18:30
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Little publicised Nikiwe and Smoke & Mirrors cost and lost over 1 million viewers in April in disappointing TV ratings debut. Little publicised Nikiwe and Smoke & Mirrors cost and lost over 1 million viewers in April in disappointing TV ratings debut. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 8:26 PM Rating: 5

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