SABC adds weekday horse racing show Racing Today to SABC Sport from April with showcase events on SABC3 in new contract with 4Racing.

Ini adalah berita terbaru dan menarik dengan judul SABC adds weekday horse racing show Racing Today to SABC Sport from April with showcase events on SABC3 in new contract with 4Racing.. Silahkan baca dan menyimak artikelnya.
by Thinus FerreiraThe SABC is adding a half-hour weekday horse racing show, Racing Today, to its SABC Sport channel from April that will run for 3 years, as well as 10 showcase horse racing events that will be shown in primetime on SABC3 after signing a contract with 4Racing.Racing Today will be shown on weekdays for half an hour per day, Mondays to Fridays, over a three-year period, for 50 weeks
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang SABC adds weekday horse racing show Racing Today to SABC Sport from April with showcase events on SABC3 in new contract with 4Racing. . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
SABC adds weekday horse racing show Racing Today to SABC Sport from April with showcase events on SABC3 in new contract with 4Racing. SABC adds weekday horse racing show Racing Today to SABC Sport from April with showcase events on SABC3 in new contract with 4Racing. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 6:24 PM Rating: 5
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