Eumetsat started this September a new series of open, online short courses on data discovery for weather, oceanography, air quality and climate

Ini adalah berita terbaru dan menarik dengan judul Eumetsat started this September a new series of open, online short courses on data discovery for weather, oceanography, air quality and climate. Silahkan baca dan menyimak artikelnya.
The courses are open and address a wide range of attendees, from service providers to young (and less young) scientists and forecasters. We will do our best to keep the language and contents accessible to all even for those limited pre-existing know-how.

The format of each short course is a 1-2 hour webinar including a presentation and demonstration of data discovery and application. You will have the opportunity to interact with experts and ask questions. Some courses will include a follow-up self-paced phase where you are invited to explore the data and get feedback from experts.

The participants will have the opportunity to learn:
  • which are the EUMETSAT and Copernicus free and open data.
  • where to access the data and where to find information about the data.
  • how to handle the data using the tools proposed.

Among others training Eumetsat proposes:
  • 06/10, Satellite skills training online: a short introduction, with Mark Higgins
  • 14/10, A summer of fires: the 2019 wildfires in Australia, with Federico Fierli, Julien Chimot and Julia Wagemann
  • 25/11, The colour of the oceans with Lauren Biermann and Oliver Clements
  • 09/12, What is a gridded dataset and how to create it? with Alessandra Cacciari and Julia Wagemann

To consult the course schedule and register:

Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang Eumetsat started this September a new series of open, online short courses on data discovery for weather, oceanography, air quality and climate . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
Eumetsat started this September a new series of open, online short courses on data discovery for weather, oceanography, air quality and climate Eumetsat started this September a new series of open, online short courses on data discovery for weather, oceanography, air quality and climate Reviewed by Admin Blog on 3:18 PM Rating: 5

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