Save the dates: 11-19 May, Online Training on Fire Monitoring
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Each block of activity will least around 2 hours - Material will be made available
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This online event is jointly organized by EUMETSAT, CAMS-ECMWF, AC SAF, LSA SAF with support from Copernicus through interactive data discovery and user practices on state-of-the-art operational datasets for detection of fire, related emissions and impacts
© IRD, Olivier Barrière, Pays Bassari |
The Data Discovery Week Live Webinars (11-15 May) is made of live sessions that will consist of:
- Presentations of data,
- Do and don't with datasets,
- Where to access data and on-line discovery,
- Introduce self-paces activity.
Experts will be available each day from 1 to 2 pm UTC to answer questions.
Questions are collected throughout the week through SliDO ( #fireworkshop).
All sessions will be recorded and made available.
The Workshop (18-19 May), will seek to actively engage participants through:
- 18/05
- @08:00 UTC: Round table discussions on the needs and engaged activities by participants
- @09:00 UTC: Present and discuss a workflow (Julia Wagemann, MEEO, May 18 morning)
- Workflows and case studies build-up self-paced
- 19/05
- @08h00 UTC: Wash-up and discussion (May 19 morning)
Other related topics
- Data discovery video
- Explore on your own a collection of videos on measuring composition from satellite, biomass burning and aerosol models. The videos were part of a recent Copernicus Massive open online course (MOOC), a collaborative effort of EUMETSAT and CAMS-ECMWF. The complete series of the MOOC is available at:
- Discover the data: GOME-2 Onboard METOP
- AC SAF provides three different types of datasets of GOME-2 observations: Near Real Time, Offline, and Data Records. One of the main differences between these datasets is the time they are provided for users: NRT is available within 3 hours from observation, whereas Offline data becomes available typically within 1-3 days delay.
- Discover the data: CAMS atmospheric composition and fire emissions
- The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) provides consistent and quality-controlled information related to air pollution and health, solar energy, greenhouse gases and climate forcing, everywhere in the world. It is implemented by ECMWF on behalf the European Commissions and is one of six Copernicus data services.
- Discover the data: IASI onboard MetOp
- IASI is an infrared Fourier transform spectrometer developed jointly by CNES (the French spatial agency) with support of the scientific community, and by EUMETSAT. IASI is mounted on-board the European polar-orbiting MetOp satellite with the primary objective to improve numerical weather predictions, by measuring tropospheric temperature and humidity with high horizontal resolution and sampling.

- Discover the data: GEFF Fire Danger forecasts and reanalysis
- The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) produces daily fire danger forecasts and reanalysis products from the Global ECMWF Fire Forecast (GEFF) model. Reanalysis (and soon seasonal forecasts) is available through the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS) while the medium-range real-time forecast is available through the EFFIS and GWIS platforms, which give access to timely fire danger information at a pan-European and global scale, respectively.
- Eumetsat LSA-SAF
- The Eumetsat LSA SAF (Land Surface Analysis Application Facility) is generating products from MSG and Metop satellites, allowing to characterize and monitoring the land surfaces. Many wild fires are anticipated by extreme warm conditions. Maps of Land Surface Temperature allows to evaluate the extent of regions affected by very high temperatures.
- Copernicus Sentinel-3 Near Real Time (NRT) FRP
- In addition to its core marine and continental objectives, the Copernicus Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR), onboard the Sentinel-3 A and B satellites, detects and monitors the immediate threats of any 'burning' events over an area size of 1 km2. Commonly gathered under the term of hotspots, these are not only fires over continents, but also flames from persistent land and ocean gas flares, and active erupting volcanoes.
![Sentinel-3 A SLSTR - NRT FRP MWIR [MW] - 05.12.2019 (night-time)](
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Save the dates: 11-19 May, Online Training on Fire Monitoring
Reviewed by Admin Blog
10:14 PM