AARSE Newsletter April 2020
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With the COVID-19 pandemic uppermost in the minds, the AARSE President invites to learn about some developments in the world of scientific activity and remote sensing in Africa and around the world...
- From the Editor
- AARSE membership news
- Editorial Contact Details
- AARSE Trustees and Councillors
- Springer publishes 12th AARSE Conference papers
- Message from the President
- Newsletter Advertising Options
- AARSE signs MoU with Copernicus Masters 2020
Africa Space News
- AARSE 2020 deadlines extended
- AARSE 2020 Travel Fellowships
- Call for Applications
- AARSE2020 new Abstract deadlines
- Call for expression of interest to host AARSE conferences
- GMES & Africa Consortia serves entire continent
- Discovery of an African Space Institution: CRTS (Morocco)
- Focus on an African Space Science Personality: Prof Gaze Bertin Benie
- Copernicus Masters 2020 open
- COVID-19: Chinese lessons for Africa
International Space News
- Conference Diary 2020
- DART on track for launch
- Spaceflight enlarges brain volume
- OneWeb files for bankruptcy
- Rosalind Franklin ExoMars Rover launch postponed
The primary aim of AARSE is to increase the awareness of African governments and their institutions, the private sector and the society at large, about the empowering and enhancing benefits of developing, applying and utilizing responsibly, the products and services of Earth Observation Systems and Geo-information Technology. More...
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang AARSE Newsletter April 2020 . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
AARSE Newsletter April 2020
Reviewed by Admin Blog
11:39 PM