Coronavirus: MultiChoice adds Toonami kids pop-up channel, drops DStv BoxOffice movie rentals to R25 per film.

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by Thinus Ferreira MultiChoice has added the Toonami kids channel as a pop-up channel to DStv and is enlarging its DStv BoxOffice movie rental selection as it also dropped the price to R25 per rental during South Africa's national lockdown period. The Toonami kids animation channel that has been available in some African countries on MultiChoice's DStv satellite pay-TV service for the past 3
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Coronavirus: MultiChoice adds Toonami kids pop-up channel, drops DStv BoxOffice movie rentals to R25 per film. Coronavirus: MultiChoice adds Toonami kids pop-up channel, drops DStv BoxOffice movie rentals to R25 per film. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 9:01 PM Rating: 5

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