Production shuts down on SABC2's Muvhango after crew and cast goes unpaid by the SABC for 2 months.

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The crew, writers and cast of SABC2's most-watched show, Muvhango, has stopped working after Word of Mouth Productions shut down production because the South African public broadcaster once again failed to pay Word of Mouth Productions. SABC executives last had a meeting with Muvhango producers in a Friday evening meeting after the SABC failed to pay the production company for the past 2
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Production shuts down on SABC2's Muvhango after crew and cast goes unpaid by the SABC for 2 months. Production shuts down on SABC2's Muvhango after crew and cast goes unpaid by the SABC for 2 months. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 2:56 AM Rating: 5

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