FIRST LOOK. After years of rust and neglect the SABC finally updates its eye-sore outside signage at its Auckland Park headquarters.

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After years of rust, dust and neglect the SABC eye-sore signage has finally been replaced with brand-new name plates, making for a cleaner, crisper, more colourful and more professional outside image of the struggling South African public broadcaster. For years the faded, outdated, sun-bleached and tattered SABC outside signage on the side of its Auckland Park parkade weathered and withered
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FIRST LOOK. After years of rust and neglect the SABC finally updates its eye-sore outside signage at its Auckland Park headquarters. FIRST LOOK. After years of rust and neglect the SABC finally updates its eye-sore outside signage at its Auckland Park headquarters. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 10:26 PM Rating: 5

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