Case studies showing how Copernicus Benefits Citizens
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Through a series of studies, EARSC aims to gather quantitative evidence that the usage of Copernicus Sentinel data provides effective and convenient support to various market application.
These studies are in the frame of the study “Assessing the detailed economic benefits derived from Copernicus Earth Observation (EO) data within selected value chains”, under an assignment from the European Space Agency (ESA).
Various cases are studied. Among them:
More information
The EARSC, the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies is a membership-based non profit organisation which coordinates and promotes activities of European companies engaged in delivering Earth Observation geo-information services. EARSC's key goal is to promote the industry and to help to develop the market for EO services. EARSC is representing EO providers of geo-information services in its broadest sense creating a network between industry, decision makers and users and covering the full EO value chain from data acquisition through processing, fusion, analysis to final geo-information products and services. EARSC currently has around 130 members and the network contains all the leading European suppliers of EO data and value-added products as well as many small and micro-enterprises.
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Case studies showing how Copernicus Benefits Citizens
Reviewed by Admin Blog
6:19 AM