There is no single virgin in Ghana – Don Little

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Kumawood actor, Don Little 

The question about how long he can probably last in bed anytime he decides to have a feel of a ladies honey pot when he appeared on the ‘Celebrity Ride with Zionfelix’ show forced actor Don Little to shockingly state without any form of proof or evidence that there is no single female virgin in Ghana at the moment.

According to him, the makeup of various homes in the country now is a major reason why most of the young one today are not virgins. He explained that because most of them live in single rooms with their parents so they tend to see them when they decide to have sex and as such, they try to explore what they see later.

The diminutive actor also stressed that the era where a lot of occultic activities took the center stage in Ghana is another reason why most of the young ladies now tend to break their virginity early.

Don Little stated that because many of the girls are afraid that they will be used for rituals, they break their virginity early.

Source: zionfelix
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