I’m the most powerful man of God in the world - Obinim Brags

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Bishop Daniel Obinim

Founder of the International Godsway Church, Bishop Daniel Obinim has revealed that no religious leader comes close to him when it is about being powerful the world over.

Though he admits looking up to Nigerian pastor, televangelist and philanthropist Temitope Balogun Joshua, commonly referred to as T. B. Joshua as a role model, he departed from that path when he received the angelic powers.

“The person I took as a mentor when I was never gifted with the angelic powers was TB Joshua. This is an open secret to all my church members. In 2013 when Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi came to by church for the launch of my wife’s album he also prophesied in that respect and we rose and clapped”, he revealed in an interview MyNewsGh.com monitored.

He, however, observed that upon receipt of the angelic powers, he digressed from pursuing the dream similar of that of TB Joshua because he is more powerful and can do wonderful things that any man of God on earth.

“The gift that is with me if we take into the spiritual realm, the whole world it has never happened. What I am saying is not in the bible so if I say them and you insult me I am not bothered. It is only Elisha and Philip who had such powers and a little was shown by Jesus but I have those powers in abundance”, he revealed.

Continuing he said, “I am the only person who can turn myself into a dog, snake and other animals to execute what the spirit wants me to do”.

Source: mynewsgh
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I’m the most powerful man of God in the world - Obinim Brags I’m the most powerful man of God in the world - Obinim Brags Reviewed by Admin Blog on 7:28 PM Rating: 5

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