Angry residents block road in protest over deaths

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Aggrieved residents
Information available to shows that residents of Nanakrom in the Adentan municipality have blocked a part of their road. 

Their action is in protest to the recent incidents of deaths in the area, because of the bad nature of the road. 

Motorists using the road therefore had to deal with the heavy vehicular traffic during the protest. reports that the latest death occurred on Thursday, May 9, 2019, after a heavy downpour. 

The residents added that the flooding had caused at least two deaths over the last few weeks. 

According to them, the therefore decided to take action because of the continuous reports of deaths in the area. 

The deadly flooding in the area has been attributed to the poor nature of a bridge on the road and the residents have demanded some government action to have the structure fixed. 

The protesters calmed down after some opinion leaders in the area intervened and spoke to the irate residents.

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Angry residents block road in protest over deaths Angry residents block road in protest over deaths Reviewed by Admin Blog on 2:36 PM Rating: 5

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