CGTN acquires BBC documentary, Drowning in Plastic, will show it worldwide during April in its Big Story current affairs programming strand.

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China Global Television Network (CGTN) (DStv 409 / StarSat 266) has acquired the BBC documentary, Drowning in Plastic, that will be broadcast in April on China's TV news channel. Drowning in Plastic was broadcast on the BBC's BBC One channel in the United Kingdom last year. CGTN acquired Drowing in Plastic from All3Media International for international broadcast outside of the United Kingdom
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang CGTN acquires BBC documentary, Drowning in Plastic, will show it worldwide during April in its Big Story current affairs programming strand. . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
CGTN acquires BBC documentary, Drowning in Plastic, will show it worldwide during April in its Big Story current affairs programming strand. CGTN acquires BBC documentary, Drowning in Plastic, will show it worldwide during April in its Big Story current affairs programming strand. Reviewed by Admin Blog on 10:25 PM Rating: 5

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