Newspace is the new Africa
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On the 8th of August, at 4 pm CEST, a panel of Experts will debate the point at the International Space University Alumni Conference.
The organisation of the debate and its moderation will be performed by Mr Iliass TANOUTI, Africa Regional Coordinator for SGAC, ISU MSS student and Aerospace Engineer.
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On the 8th of August, at 4 pm CEST, a panel of Experts will debate the point at the International Space University Alumni Conference.
The organisation of the debate and its moderation will be performed by Mr Iliass TANOUTI, Africa Regional Coordinator for SGAC, ISU MSS student and Aerospace Engineer.
The panelists will be Zolana Joao (General Director at GGPEN, the Angolan Space Office), Dr. Peter Martinez (Executive Director at Secure World Foundation), Dr. Francis Chizea (General Director at NASRDA), Dr. Tidiane Ouattara (GMES & Africa Support Program Coordinator at African Union Commission) and Timiebi U. Aganaba-Jeanty, DCL (TBC), (Assistant professor at Arizona State University and Founder of the Space Governance Lab).
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- The International Space University (ISU) is a university dedicated to the discovery, research and development of outer space exploration for peaceful purposes, through international and multidisciplinary education and research programs. It is a not-for-profit interdisciplinary university founded in 1987 that offers a Master of Science in Space Studies (MSS) in addition to the flagship Space Studies Program (SSP), a professional development program that has convened annually every summer since 1988 at various locations around the world. More
- The ISU Alumni
- 7-8 August 2020: The Alumni Conference.
- October 2019: The HRST Commissioner holds bilateral discussions with the President of ISU in Washington.
- July 2019 The intervention of Dr Tidiane OUATTARA, Why Africa is the New Eldorado For Space Business?
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Newspace is the new Africa
Reviewed by Admin Blog
7:18 PM