Start now RUS Training!
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In the frame of the RUS service, this Training platform provides easy access to face-to-face training sessions, online webinars and e-learning courses. RUS training programme is free and aimed at users at various levels of proficiency.
28/05, Comparison of Urban Mapping Methods using SAR
03/06, NO2 Air Pollution Monitoring with Sentinel-5pL
04/06, Land Monitoring and Burned Area Mapping with Copernicus Sentinels
08/06, RUS Remote Training: Copernicus for Geological and Geomorphological applications
Recent courses

SAR Introduction - Interferometry Principles

Outlining Settlement Extent and Imperviousness Estimation

Validation of Settlement Mapping

Methodology for Settlement Mapping

Urbanization: Settlement Extent Mapping
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang Start now RUS Training! . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
In the frame of the RUS service, this Training platform provides easy access to face-to-face training sessions, online webinars and e-learning courses. RUS training programme is free and aimed at users at various levels of proficiency.
The main objectives of the RUS (Research and User Support for Sentinel Core products) Service are to promote the uptake of Copernicus data and to support the scaling up of R&D activities with Copernicus data
An important part of the RUS service, the Training programme includes a full and varied range of training courses:
- Online tutorials and webinars accessible to all users
- Face-to-face training sessions to handle and process data
- Training of Trainers events for future trainers
Upcoming Training Sessions
28/05, Comparison of Urban Mapping Methods using SAR
03/06, NO2 Air Pollution Monitoring with Sentinel-5pL
04/06, Land Monitoring and Burned Area Mapping with Copernicus Sentinels
08/06, RUS Remote Training: Copernicus for Geological and Geomorphological applications
With the E-Learning courses – accessible further to registration – any one can study the remote sensing theory as explained by RUS experts at his/her own pace, and can also test his/her knowledge through the online questions at the end of each video
Recent courses

SAR Introduction - Interferometry Principles

Outlining Settlement Extent and Imperviousness Estimation

Validation of Settlement Mapping

Methodology for Settlement Mapping

Urbanization: Settlement Extent Mapping
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang Start now RUS Training! . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
Start now RUS Training!
Reviewed by Admin Blog
7:18 AM