Eumetsat On-line Data Access
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With the LR-SEVIRI Closed Internet service, users can collect daily image files directly from the operational FTP server.

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Delivery via the internet means you don't need satellite reception station equipment. It also offers an affordable way to transfer smaller volumes of data and products.
With the LR-SEVIRI Closed Internet service, users can collect daily image files directly from the operational FTP server.

Rectified (Level 1.5) Meteosat SEVIRI image data is transmitted as Low Rate transmissions, in 5 spectral channels. The level 1.5 image data corresponds to the geolocated and radiometrically pre-processed image data, ready for further processing, e.g. the extraction of meteorological products.
Any spacecraft specific effects are removed and, in particular, linearisation and equalisation of the image radiometry is performed for all SEVIRI channels. Both radiometric and geometric quality control information is included.
To use this service, please register on the Earth Observation Portal (EOP).
Any spacecraft specific effects are removed and, in particular, linearisation and equalisation of the image radiometry is performed for all SEVIRI channels. Both radiometric and geometric quality control information is included.
To use this service, please register on the Earth Observation Portal (EOP).
In addition to the above there are a variety of mechanisms a visitor can use to access satellite data from EUMETSAT.
More information
(Courtesy of EUMETSAT)
- New pilot data services (As part of an evolution to its Data Services in 2020 EUMETSAT is releasing pilot services which provide new data access capabilities)
- Products navigator (Look at EUMETSAT Product Navigator (Product catalogue) for full details on all the products it provides).
- Data registration (Gain access to EUMETSAT data and products).
- Eumetsat data centre (Order data and products from EUMETSAT long-term archive).
- Eumetcast (a multi-service dissemination system based on multicast technology)
- Copernicus online data access, to access Sentinel-3 Marine Products via the Copernicus Online Data Access (CODA) service.
- Direct dissemination (Metop data disseminated directly from the satellite).
More information
(Courtesy of EUMETSAT)
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Eumetsat On-line Data Access
Reviewed by Admin Blog
6:34 AM