A glance at the 12th European Space Conference
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The conference was designed to take stock of what has been done, to delve into the future of European space policy, its programmes and missions, and to address the 10 key issues of this new decade with regards to Growth, Climate, Security & Defence

10 fields have been explored:
The first day, the africa focused featured a round table discussion on "towards a Space Partnership between Europe and Africa" were various leaders expressed their point of view. Among them:
More information

10 fields have been explored:
- The Horizon 2030
- The EU Industrial Strategy
- Saving our planet
- Space and Defence
- The International Cooperation
- The Partnership for the Future
- The Technological Autonomy
- The Security in Space
- The Future of Connectivity
- The Paradigm Shift
The first day, the africa focused featured a round table discussion on "towards a Space Partnership between Europe and Africa" were various leaders expressed their point of view. Among them:
- The GMES and Africa Support Programme Coordinator, Mr. Tidiane OUATTARA ,
- The Director General of the Gabonese Agency for Space Studies and Observations (AGEOS), Mr. Aboubakar MAMBIMBA,
- The Director of the Technical Steering Committee, The Egyptian Space Agency , Mr. Magdy Tantawy,
- The Director of the Royal Centre for Remote Sensing (CRTS), Morocco, Mr. Driss el-Hadani.
More information
- https://www.spaceconference.eu/index.html
- https://africanews.space/space-leaders-set-to-discuss-the-future-of-europe-africa-in-space-at-the-european-space-conference/
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A glance at the 12th European Space Conference
Reviewed by Admin Blog
7:34 PM