Ghana is a stupid country occupied by lots of stupid people – Deborah Vanessa
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Songstress Deborah anessa believes Ghana is a stupid country
To her, the mentality and thinking caps of some Ghanaians are so low and that how contributed to the unprogressive culture of the country.
She noted that in 21 , some women still think men are always right about anything and everything; something she described as sad.
She said in a tweet that “A country of stupids where majority including women still believe that men are better or more right because that is how we have been conditioned mentally. Stupid. So we think using the word king is more powerful than queen”.
Deborah Vanessa last year had one of the biggest hit songs in her entire music career after she broke up with her boyfriend, Medikal.
Deborah Vanessa intends going on an Europe tour and also release an EP this year.
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang Ghana is a stupid country occupied by lots of stupid people – Deborah Vanessa . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
Songstress Deborah anessa believes Ghana is a stupid country
To her, the mentality and thinking caps of some Ghanaians are so low and that how contributed to the unprogressive culture of the country.
She noted that in 21 , some women still think men are always right about anything and everything; something she described as sad.
She said in a tweet that “A country of stupids where majority including women still believe that men are better or more right because that is how we have been conditioned mentally. Stupid. So we think using the word king is more powerful than queen”.
Deborah Vanessa last year had one of the biggest hit songs in her entire music career after she broke up with her boyfriend, Medikal.
Deborah Vanessa intends going on an Europe tour and also release an EP this year.
Terima kasih karena telah membaca informasi tentang Ghana is a stupid country occupied by lots of stupid people – Deborah Vanessa . Silahkan membaca berita lainnya.
Ghana is a stupid country occupied by lots of stupid people – Deborah Vanessa
Reviewed by Admin Blog
10:16 AM